Is your website easy to read and navigate from a small smartphone screen? Or is it turning off customers because they can't read your website from their smartphones?

Most people today keep their mobile phones at their fingertips wherever they go. When they want to find a local restaurant or other local businesses, they pull out their phones to find them online.

If your website doesn't show up in mobile search results, and if it's hard to read and navigate from a mobile phone, then you are probably losing business - and don't even know it.

Your customers are mobile, you need to be too. Chances are, your competitors are already catering to their mobile customers by sending them direct updates via text messages and custom mobile apps.

You can check to see if your website is mobile friendly by entering your website address into your phone's internet browser, then evaluating it against the following checklist:

  • Can you easily read the text on screen, without scrolling left or right or zooming in or out?
  • Does your site load quickly? (Turn off your Wireless WiFi and switch to the 3G or 4G Data Plan on your phone, to simulate the lower transfer speeds of most mobile networks.)
  • Can you see all the key content of your site in one or two screen views?
  • Can you quickly get to different pages, and find what you're looking for?

If you answered  no  to any of these questions, your website is behind the times.

But not to worry, We can give your website a fresh new look and improved functionality with:

  • Scaled down, easy-to-read content
  • Simplified mobile-friendly navigation.
  • Fast-loading pages
  • Clear Calls-to-Action designed to convert visitors into buyers
  • Touch-friendly buttons you can click on with your fingertip.

The #1 reason to update your website today is to meet the needs and wants of your customers. They want to access information fast, they're on the move, and they're ready to buy. Right Now! Ready to get started? Schedule a call now.

We understand today's mobile consumer behavior, and we know how to create the perfect Mobile Website for your business. Call us Now at 770-376-7590 to know more details.


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